Tane Journal

Work in progress
The toiles of Tane's first collection. Each item embraces the detail of old workwear and cultural elements of Japan. You will see them soon.
Work in progress
The toiles of Tane's first collection. Each item embraces the detail of old workwear and cultural elements of Japan. You will see them soon.

SYUMIDOKA - Inheritance of Okinawan Tradition
Eighty minutes away by ferry from the main island of Okinawa, the craft artist Masami Koreeda has been making traditional Okinawan tools in Iheya island, which is called “a secret...
SYUMIDOKA - Inheritance of Okinawan Tradition
Eighty minutes away by ferry from the main island of Okinawa, the craft artist Masami Koreeda has been making traditional Okinawan tools in Iheya island, which is called “a secret...

Signature of Tane
At the heart of our collections are traditional Japanese fabrics. We use Bingo-Fushiori, a textile with a modern style and utility that is based on Kasuri, a cotton fabric of...
Signature of Tane
At the heart of our collections are traditional Japanese fabrics. We use Bingo-Fushiori, a textile with a modern style and utility that is based on Kasuri, a cotton fabric of...